Sunday, May 25, 2014

More San Diego Happenings

We are living it up here in San D! We really do love it here. We have been making amazing friends and amazing memories. Here our some pictures of what we have been up to lately!! Hope you enjoy.
Bobby excited about play group at the beach!

It was time for the yearly eye exams. We were lucky to find an amazing eye doctor here.
She is great and the kids and I love her. She understands our traveling situation and is
willing to work with us on everything. This is CJ with his new glasses.  

This is Bobby and Eva with their new glasses.

Bobby has been struggling with some reading issues so we chose to have a vision exam.
Our great eye doctor reviewed the results and Bobby will be starting vision therapy next week. 

Went bowling with some friends. Malayna, mom and Lindy.

She got a strike!


Lindy's turn. She would get mad if we tried to help her. She carried that ball all by herself.

Julia came to San Diego with her school. We met her at the zoo.

We are just down the street from 7-11 so walking up the street for a slurpee happens often.

We made a surprise trip to UT for mother's day. We text this picture to Selinda to see if she could
figure out where we were standing. She didn't even look at her phone.

Went to see Grandma Gubler.

The kids playing with a 50+ year old toy at Great Grandma Gublers house.

Lindy loves carne asada fries just like her mommy!

Bobby setting up his "battle" in the bathroom. He said we wants to be military commander when he grows up.

Went with a friend to this private beach. We had to hike down this hill to get to it because you need a key to be able to
drive down to it and the key was already at the beach with some one else. Thank goodness she got a ride back up
that hill and drove the car back down with the key so we didn't have to hike back up with all the kids. 

Taking a selfie and I noticed Eva behind me enjoying a hand full of sand! LOL!


  1. Always enjoy your posting!:-)

    1. Thank you! Its always nice to know that at least one person enjoys reading our blog.
