Wednesday, March 12, 2014


   So this post was kind of inspired by a friend of mine. After she and I talked on the phone a couple of weeks ago (you know who you are). We got talking about future plans and if she and her husband were really happy. So that made me want to think, reflect and talk with Colt to see if he and I are truly happy.
   This is what we came up with, the short answer is YES! Let me elaborate. 
   We often hear from our extended family and friends, "I don't know how you live like that." "I could never do that." "I would miss my stuff too much." "I would get sick of being on the road." "That would suck, moving around all the time." "Whatever works, I guess."
   Which made me wonder, if people thought we were unhappy with where our life and choices have taken us.
   So Colt and I had a "sit down". I began with "We need to talk." just to get him a little jumpy. I asked him to think about it and tell me if he was really happy in and with his life right now. He started with his job, he likes what he does. He enjoys the people he gets to meet and work with. He enjoys the hours and the pay. He enjoys all the places (travel wise) it has taken him. So job....happy...check. Next on to family, he enjoys that we get to be together on the road. He enjoys all the time he gets to spend with the kids and I. He enjoys being able to show the country to the kids. He enjoys how close our family has become. He enjoys our marriage and our friendship. So family life.....happy....check. Onto personal and spiritual, he is happy with his personal time. He enjoys church. He enjoys fun game time once in a while. He enjoys exploring everything. So personal and spiritual.....happy....check. So yes Colt is happy about where and what and who and how he is in his life right now.
   My turn. I enjoy my "job" as mother and wife. I enjoy my time with my kids, its not easy but I do enjoy it. I love being Colt's wife, he takes great care of me and our children. We know that there is not a thing any of us will have to worry about, as long as he is here. He really is my best friend. Since I keep the books, I can honestly say that I am happy financially speaking, we are not rolling in the dough but we have what we need and no money stress. I am satisfied with who I am personal and spiritually. I have grown so much and in so many ways the past few years. I enjoy all of our travels. I enjoy getting to see new places and meet new people. I enjoy being on this amazing adventure with my family. I am glad to share in all the these wonderful memories we are making for and with our kids. So yes I too am happy with where and what and who and how my life is right now.
   I hope that you are happy too. Things might not always be like you had hoped and dreamed for but happiness is more than that. It starts with a choice. You can't always choose your circumstances but you can choose how you are going to feel about them. I hope you choose joy and happiness, they may be hidden and hard to find but if you look close they are there.

Until next time. I love you C,M,B,C,E and L.   

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