Thursday, October 8, 2015

Stand Back It Might Explode

20 years from now I can picture my family gathered for Christmas, grand kids playing, and my adult children sitting around with their spouses when they start reminiscing about their own childhoods. Then some one says, "Remember that time we found that bomb and they called the bomb squad?".

Yeah, we now have that story.

Let me explain.....

Bobby, CJ, Eva and a friend were out exploring around the rv park one afternoon. Late afternoon/early evening they came back to our rv very excited to show us this "cool thing" they had found.

They found "it" by the lake sticking out of the mud, so the dug it up and strapped into the baby seat on the back of the bike and rode it home.

Curiously Colt and I went out to see what "it" was.


Colt slowly and carefully picked "it" up from the back of the bike and set it gently on the floor. He had me take the kids back while he took a closer look at "it". He thought it was some kind of large ammunition, but wasn't certain because it was very rusty. After a few minutes of inspection and the fact that the kids told us there was another one, Colt called the MPs(military police).

This MP, young kid, looked like he was fresh out of basic, looks at the thing kicks it and says "Well it didn't explode.". All while we are stand just 10ft away. Then we all take a few steps back as he starts kicking and banging this "thing" on the ground.

Colt told him, "since you are so comfortable messing with it can you move it away from our rv and my family".

The mp picks "it" up and takes it across the street where he proceeded to hit it against a tree. Luckily our neighbor, Ian who happens to work in ammunition on post drove up and saw WHAT was going on. He pulled over and jumped out of his car and took a look. He knew right away it was some kind of ammunition and told the mp to call EOD(bomb squad).

A few minutes later a few more MPs roll up and start evacuating everyone from their rvs. They pushed us back to the other side of the park.

As the rv park people started moving towards the back of the park a few people thought ahead and grabbed chairs and food and drinks.

Thanks to another neighbor, Stephen, who was in the middle of cooking a big pot of gumbo and his homemade tater salad nobody went hungry.

After awhile EOD showed up and did there thing. They looked at it, inspected it, researched it, x-rayed it, and grabbed the other one. They eventually decided they would be okay to transport and took them both, to who knows where, but they were gone and we were given the all clear.

Turned out they were a couple of mortar rounds from the 50's or 60's.

By 10:30pm everyone was headed back to their rvs and ready to end the night. Everyone was a bit upset but it turned out to be a fun night.

The rv community is an amazing group, and I will tell you something, they are not lying when they talk about southern hospitality.

Most importantly everyone was safe, as this could have very well ended differently. We got to try gumbo for the first time and have a fun night hanging out with our fellow rvers.

Now we have a very cool "remember when story".

As for that young MP, he was yelled at by a few different higher ranking people that night. He also had to apologize for the way he handled the situation. Hopefully he will remember.

Until next time, I love you C,M,B,C, E and L.

1 comment:

  1. That MP! That could have been a rough lesson!
    Glad you guys made a good time out of it and everyone was safe.
