While we are here on the East coast we are trying to do and see as many things as possible. So in a spur of the moment decision we decided on a Saturday that we were going to head to D.C. on Sunday!! We headed out the Sunday before Christmas. It was about a five hour drive. Our first stop was the Washington D.C. LDS temple. We went for the Festival of Lights. It was so beautiful. We got there in time for the 7 pm show at the visitors center. It was a beautiful concert. I was amazed by how many people there were from all over the country and from all different backgrounds. We made it to our hotel around 9:30 pm, just in time to cuddle up in bed and go to sleep. We started out bright and early the next morning. We realized that we forgot the stroller for Lindy, and looked around for a store that would sell one as we walked toward the National Mall, with no luck. Poor girl was such a trooper all day, even with her cold getting worse as the day went on she walked almost as much as we did(we did 8 miles throughout the day). It was cold and cloudy all day but thankfully we got to see most of the out door monuments before it started to rain. We made it to the Museum of American History and the Museum of Natural History, before it was closing time. It was dark and rainy so we took the bus home(no place can beat NYC's public mass transit). We ordered a pizza and watched some tv, before we all fell asleep. The next morning it was time to check out. Before we left D.C. we went to George Town Cupcakes (TLC's DC Cupcakes). They were delicious, I can see why they are on tv. Our last stop was the same as our very first stop, the Temple. This time we had it all to ourselves. We were able to look around the visitors center and try the exhibits. Our drive home was uneventful but an hour longer because of traffic.
It was funny how as soon as we came through the Lincoln Tunnel into NYC I felt like we were home. It has always surprised me how fast we adapt and become part of the communities we have lived. I don't feel that we can declare ourselves "New Yorkers" yet but we are certainly no longer tourist. While we were in Manhattan doing the tourist thing, like see the Rockefeller Christmas Tree, and the window displays, I could point out the tourist, by the annoying things they did. Who would have guessed that people make NYC there winter vacation spot. I for one would pick some where warm. Nonetheless we did the decent New Yorker thing and helped people that were lost, and told them a few insider secrets.
We had a wonderful Christmas. We did our traditional Christmas Eve, minus the tamales (oh how we missed the tamales). Christmas morning was just as you would imagine, excited kids and tired parents. We do 3 gifts for each kids, from dad and mom(Jesus got 3), something off their want list, something they need, and something we want to get them. The kids also get things from their grandparents. Over all it was a good day. We love that the kids are off playing together all day.
Until next time. I love you C,M,B,C,E and L.
The White house. We all thought it looked much smaller in person. |
From the top of the stairs at the Lincoln Memorial. |
Malayna made a fist because she said "We have to fight for our freedom!" |
On the bus in DC |
Line for cupcakes was out the door and down the street. |
This was inside in Temple visitors center. I told Colt I want a porch like this one day. |
Waiting for our pizza.
The tree. |
Window Displays |
You are making some fantastic memories with your family. Happy New Year!