We have been enjoying the weather here in San Diego!!! After we get our school work and house work done we take full advantage to head out to the park, the beach, or the pool. I would stay here forever if we could. Colt says he loves San Diego, but hates that it is in California. I occasionally do a job search and nothing seems to come up for him here. We will just enjoy our time here while we can.
We have now been here for about one month. The kids are all getting comfortable and making friends. They are enjoying the time they get to spend with old friends (the Maravilla's) and they are enjoying the play dates with new friends in our ward and around the neighborhood.
Malayna has made quite the impression in our ward. I was asked a few time at enrichment night if I had a daughter in primary. After explaining that I had 2 daughters in primary and figuring out they were talking about Malayna, they told me the sweetest thing about her. They said, "She is so beautiful, and so kind.", also, "She is such a good example and very polite, and respectful." and, "She is such a good reader, you can tell she is homeschooled." I agreed and said thank you. Talk about a proud mom moment.
Bobby was a bit shy at his first cub scout meeting. We showed up and found out it was pinewood derby race day! He had been working on his car for a couple of months since we were in Texas, and thought he wouldn't get to race it because we we would leave before it was race day in Texas. I had to call Colt and tell him to load up the other kids and bring the car! It was such a fun night. Bobby's car kept getting last until someone offered him some graphite then he went from last to 4th over all! He was such a good sport and even when he was loosing he was cheering on the other boys.
CJ was very hesitant to go to his Sunday school class the first time. Lucky for us his teacher happens to be a very sweet kindergarten teacher that works with kids his age everyday! She put him to work right away as her helper. The next Sunday he went right in and started helping her set up chairs!
Eva has now become "that kid" the one who is super cute but super obnoxious. The same ladies that commented about Nay also told me about Eva. "She is so cute but boy is she a handful.", and "That girl likes to laugh.". I have always said and I stand by my statement that 4 years old is way harder than 2 years old.
Lindy is getting so big. She will be 2 at the end of the month! She is potty training herself, I refused to potty train another child so I said she will do it on her own when she is ready. Turns out she is really good at it! She hates wet diapers, one pee and she takes it off runs it to the trash and brings me a new one to put on. She asks me to take her to the potty 3 out 5 poos!!! (I know TMI but this is very exciting for us!)
Colt and I just got a calling in our new ward. We will be teaching the 13 year olds. We love teaching the youth they are one of our faves. We haven't actually taught a lesson yet. We got the calling the Sunday before General Conference, today we met the kids and are super excited to get to know them. We leave for a couple of weeks to Vegas. Hopefully we get to teach by May!!! Colt is liking the people he gets to work with here. I am enjoying getting to know the sisters in our ward. I even got to go out teaching with the sister missionaries one night!
Making friends and getting comfortable in new places isn't hard. It just takes you making the first step and putting yourself out there.
Until next time. I love you C,M,B,C,E and L.
At the zoo with some friends. |
Lindy playing Kola. |
Hiking at Torrey Pines, CA |
Colt and his girls on our hike. |
CJ really liked this gold fire hydrant. |
Bobby and CJ watching the race. |
Bobby cheering on the other racers. |
USS Midway tour. |
Colt's pretty picture no edits at all on this shot! |
Lindy's first egg hunt on her own! |
Ward primary Easter egg hunt. |
Love your posting
ReplyDeleteThank you Linda!