The last post left off with us still in Colorado. We finished up our time there and will miss all of our friends there very much. Some of our friends have become as close if not closer than family. Colorado has been our home for 10 years and we are sad to officially be moving on. We have a property manger for our home there and we are hoping to have renters in by the end of the week.
We made our way to southern Utah where the plan was to chill out at my in-laws home for a few weeks until we headed for Miami. As Colt and I are very well aware things never seem to go as planned. While we were in UT my Grandpa Del passed away. So we made our way to Las Vegas. Colt flew out to FL while the kids and I stayed with my sister in Vegas, as we planned and prepared for his funeral. Colt was only gone a few days before he flew back just in time for us to drive to Brawley, CA for Grandpa's funeral.
It was a good service and we all will miss him deeply. He was such a happy guy and he loved his family more than anything. I know he is in a better place with my Grandma Unie. Rest in peace Gramps.
After a couple of days in CA we headed back to UT to help prepare for and attend the Stevens family reunion. We had a fabulous time with our family there. There was 11 adults and 17 kids all in one house! It was so much fun to see how much all the kids have changed and grown from last year. I got to know our teenage nieces a whole lot better. We had a lot of fun times with our brother and sisters, nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles, cousins and grandparents. We missed one of the little Stevens families and their kids. Hopefully everyone can make it next year!
While we were in Orderville, UT for the family reunion our sweet little Bobby got baptized! (that will be another post)
We now find ourselves in Miami, Florida! Now to begin our time here. Hope you all enjoy keeping up on our adventures, if you do please subscribe/follow our blog to stay up to date!
Until next time. I love you C,M,B,C,E, and L!
With the Bess' playing in Fountain Creek. |
The kids prepared all the food for the "Wild Things party" |
Double date night with Zo and Jer. That's right Colt in 1st place and me in 2nd. |
Stevens family Memorial Day tradition. Remembering our ancestors. |
Colt and His brother doing what they do best, being silly! |
our new family picture. |
*sigh* this is the life. Grandpa and Lindy. |
Mom and Dad at the tree house "ribbon cutting ceremony". |
Stevens family reunion 2013 (family hike) |
After the hike. |
Bryce Canyon look out with Uncle Brice and Aunt Brandi. |
Cousins got a case of poison oak after roaming the mountains by the cabin. |
Stevens family swim night! We had the pool all to ourselves, all 28 of us. :) |
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