Monday, March 5, 2012

My First Time ;)

So, this is my first ever blog post. I never thought I would want to keep a blog. I thought it would be to much work and that no one really cared to know about our family. After reading many of my friends blogs I learned that most of them keep them for the benefit of their own families. So that one day their kids can know all about how life was when they were little. I love this idea. I keep a journal but this whole blog thing seems more fun and more like a family journal, that one day all our kids will get to have. I am not sure yet when I will be able to post or even what to post about I guess that will all evolve over time. Keeping in mind that this will be a record for our family, I will start the next post from the begging of "our family". So if you are interested, the next time I find a moment I will tell all about how Colt and I meet and fell in LOVE!


  1. Jer, You always have to be first! :)

  2. I started writing personal letters about monthly to Lexi, and then sometimes to Lex and Em. It got to be too much and we keep having more. It is an easy way to keep memories for them. I'm excited you have a blog now :)

  3. Great idea, I will be reading it. Love you!
