Monday, December 15, 2014

Cup Half Full

I am usually a very optimistic person. Lately I have noticed that I am slowly becoming a cup half empty person. This realization took me by surprise. I am not sure why but I do have some ideas why this is happening.  Here is what I think....

  • The traveling life style is starting to take a toll on me.
  • I have found where I really want to settle down and we can't right now.
  • New York can make anyone hard and cold.
  • It is winter time in the North East.
These are a few of the reasons why I think my positive out look is slipping through my fingers. Now that I have an idea of what is bringing me down, how am I going to turn it around!! I really need to be "glass half full" again. I am a firm believer that happiness to an extent is something you have to choose. Yes, we all have circumstances that our out of our control. Yes, we all have things that we really want and don't have. Yes, we all think "if only a,b,and c, then we would be happy".  Guess what?! None of that matters!!! If you want to be happy CHOOSE HAPPINESS everyday, in every moment. The best way to choose happiness is to focus on the positive, focus on what you do have, focus on what is going right, focus on what you love, focus on being grateful to the Lord for EVERYTHING.

Now to take my own word and use them....

  • Our traveling (Colt's job) has taken us to so many wonderful places. We have gone to and seen things as a family that would have not been possible any other way. A sunrise on the east coat and sunset on the west coast in the same month!  From alligators swimming in the Everglades to a haunted prison in Idaho and so many other wonderful places. The memories we are making are unbelievable!!
  • How lucky am I that I have had the chance to live in so many places in the country? SO LUCKY!! I have made friends all over the country. I got to find my dream cities not only one but TWO place where I would love to live. Even if that can't happen right now I did get to live there even if just for a few months. 
  • New York has taught me something about myself. That I do have a voice and at times it needs to loud so that I can be heard and so people know that I, nor my family will be trampled on. My kids have learned that if something or someone is bothering you then it is okay to say something.
  • Yes, winter is cold and dark and wet, but we have a warm safe place to be. We have lived through Colorado winters so we know that we CAN do it. IF we need to go out we have clothes, coats, scarves, gloves and shoes to keep us warm and dry. I can suck it up and smile as I watch the kids with joy in their eyes at the site of snow. 
Starting right now I choose HAPPINESS! This next 6 months in New York City will be AMAZING, why, because I say so!!!

This year Malayna helped make
Thanksgiving dinner!

Dinner is ready!

Time to decorate our little Christmas tree! Our first "real" tree.

My sweet hubby. This lady didn't have enough money for the gifts in her cart,
just as she was telling the cashier to put a few things back, Colt gave me "the look", so I smiled and nodded.
He then stepped in front of her and swiped his card, and said Merry Christmas.
She was speechless, she tried to hand him all the cash in her hand, but he refused.
The cashier and this lady had tears in their eyes and huge smiles on their faces.
 I love Colt's heart. 

Ready for church.

Made it to church early!!!

Took the kids out even in the snow. This was huge for me!

                                      Click here to see a video of the kids in the Primary Program

Until next time. Love you C,M,B,C,E, and L!!