Wow! It has been over a month since my last update! We have done a lot in the last month. Where should I start....?
I know I will look at my pictures and see what we have been up to.
We went with some friends up to Laguna Beach to meet some more friends that were visiting CA from Colorado. It was like a mini ward reunion!
We spend a lot of time at the beach. We always have a great time no matter how long we stay, an hour or the whole day, with friends or just our family.
CJ's beach Christmas tree. |
CJ and Eva made their "own ocean". |
Another beach, another day.
Went to see my long lost family!
We have a LOT of eye doctor appointments. I think in the month of may I accompanied my family to 14 eye doctor visits.
We have had a lot of play dates! To all sorts of place. We are going to miss all the friends we are making.
On the ferry to Coronado Island. |
On the ferry back to San Diego. |
At the splash park down town. |
Dinner at new friends houses! We even played with their chickens.
We did a lot more fun thing that I will write about later. I love it here in San Diego. It will be a very sad day when we eventually have to leave.