Sunday, May 25, 2014

More San Diego Happenings

We are living it up here in San D! We really do love it here. We have been making amazing friends and amazing memories. Here our some pictures of what we have been up to lately!! Hope you enjoy.
Bobby excited about play group at the beach!

It was time for the yearly eye exams. We were lucky to find an amazing eye doctor here.
She is great and the kids and I love her. She understands our traveling situation and is
willing to work with us on everything. This is CJ with his new glasses.  

This is Bobby and Eva with their new glasses.

Bobby has been struggling with some reading issues so we chose to have a vision exam.
Our great eye doctor reviewed the results and Bobby will be starting vision therapy next week. 

Went bowling with some friends. Malayna, mom and Lindy.

She got a strike!


Lindy's turn. She would get mad if we tried to help her. She carried that ball all by herself.

Julia came to San Diego with her school. We met her at the zoo.

We are just down the street from 7-11 so walking up the street for a slurpee happens often.

We made a surprise trip to UT for mother's day. We text this picture to Selinda to see if she could
figure out where we were standing. She didn't even look at her phone.

Went to see Grandma Gubler.

The kids playing with a 50+ year old toy at Great Grandma Gublers house.

Lindy loves carne asada fries just like her mommy!

Bobby setting up his "battle" in the bathroom. He said we wants to be military commander when he grows up.

Went with a friend to this private beach. We had to hike down this hill to get to it because you need a key to be able to
drive down to it and the key was already at the beach with some one else. Thank goodness she got a ride back up
that hill and drove the car back down with the key so we didn't have to hike back up with all the kids. 

Taking a selfie and I noticed Eva behind me enjoying a hand full of sand! LOL!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Not Freaking Out

So we have been in this lovely condo in San Diego for 2 months, 1 week, and 5 days. It has been perfect for us. We love the area, our neighbors, and our church ward. Today I realized our lease ends in 4 weeks! The part that caught me off guard was not the fact that it would be here before we know it, or the fact that we have no idea where we are going to live after this; it was the fact that I did NOT freak out.

Since we have been traveling there have been many times where we had no idea where we would be traveling to next let alone where we would be "living" once we got there, and each and every time I would go through my same emotions...

  1. Excitement- ready to see where we will go next
  2. Anxiety- not sure how it will work out
  3. Fear- that we will end up living in our car (irrational? yes, but a fear all the same)
  4. Stressed- trying to find a place to stay in the new city
  5. Hopeful- we have things in order and things are looking good
  6. Relief- we have made it to our new city and are settled in
  7. Excitement- ready to explore and find our local favorites
The list above is me freaking out. Colt is there to tell me not to worry and that everything will be just fine. It has always been "just fine".

The idea of  getting an RV came up again because it is getting harder and harder to find a place to stay with our size family. The person on the other end of the line hears, "I have 5 kids." and the usual response is something like, "Wow, sorry but that wont work for us." And just like that another option is crossed off our list. Anyways back to the RV, we found "the one" it was great, it was just what we were looking for and the price range we were looking at. We could totally picture our family making it our "home to go". As it turned out while going through the process of getting the loan an error was discovered on Colt's credit report and therefor was denied. This really was a punch to the gut as we were hoping that this would be our new "home" and had never been denied for anything ever. We have since figured out the error and are getting it taken care of, the third part has taken full responsibility for their mistake. (I wonder if we can sue, because their mistake has kind of screwed us (if you are a lawyer let me know)) Anyways, it has been lessons learned #1 people are more than a number #2 monitor your credit report and #3 Devry University-CS student accounts department is stupid. 

We are now in the crazy position where we have to deiced on one of the following options
  • Find a new furnished place in the area. Which would cost $8,000- $10,000 you know they want firsts, lasts and a deposit up front.(this would end our chance to get an RV once the report is fixed)
  • Wait until his credit report is fixed and reapply for a loan and cross our fingers that the RV is still available (about 30 days we have been told) 
  • Try to find a hotel that is willing to take per diem during their peak season

As you can see there are plenty of reason for me to freak out but I am not. I know that this is the crazy adventure that we signed up for when we decided to join Colt on the road. I also know that since this was not just a decision made on a whim, but with guidance from the Lord that he will not fail us as long as we continue to trust in him. 

Until next time. I love you C,M,B,C,E, and L

This is me by the calendar NOT freaking out!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My Lack of Sympathy (Please don't judge me, nevermind I don't care what you think, so go ahead and judge away)

     I love my husband and kids I really do. I just can't seem to deal with them when the are sick AND whiny. I do what is needed to take care of them and make sure they are okay but for some reason the moment they start to whine and complain is the moment that I loose my patients. 
     Yes I understand being sick sucks and yes I understand that you don't feel well (see I have empathy). When I am sick and don't feel well all I want is to be left alone and to be able to sleep. My husband and kids on the other hand seem to need constant attention when they are sick, and not because there is an intimidate need, but just because.
     CJ is by far my most whiny when he is sick. Last night he vomited a few times and in between he just whined and moaned and cried. I didn't mind getting up in the middle of the night and helping him clean up the mess or getting him a drink but as soon as I heard the moaning and crying I lost it. I told him to "shut up, stop whining and go back to bed." (see no sympathy). Not my finest moment as a mother, I know that. I could try and blame it on my lack of sleep but the truth is I hate it even when I am fully rested and it is the middle of the day.
     Colt has been getting better and becoming less and less needy when he is sick as the years have gone on. I don't think it has been by his choice, but because of the frustration and complete annoyance he can read on my face. I love him and want him be healthy and well but that doesn't have to include whiny so everyone knows you don't feel well (trust me I already know).
   Like a character on one of my favorite shows (Grey's Anatomy) recently said "There are two kinds of sick men: the kind like Jackson who go and crawl under a rock, stoic and stubborn, and men like Ben, who turn into total babies."  She continues on by saying "Count your blessing that he is the first one."
To the future spouses of my children, I am trying very hard to make my children like "Jackson" when they are sick. I am trying to teach them to suck it up, toughen up, and just get through it and move on. I hope one day you will thank me for this, because the other option is so obnoxious. If I am not successful with this I apologize and wish you the best of luck.

Until next time, I love you C,M,B,C,E, and L!   

Friday, May 2, 2014


     We recently got to spend time with my sister in Las Vegas. We went and stayed with her to be there when her and her husband welcomed their second child. A beautiful baby girl. It was so nice to hold and cuddle a newborn baby. Newborns are just so precious and they smell wonderful. I miss having a new baby around, but I don't miss the sleepless nights or the leaky boobs, or the baby weight to loose (oh never mind still have that).

     Today MY baby turned 2. There is something about that birthday that changes them form baby to child. Colt and I have had at least one kid(sometimes two) in the "baby" stage for 10 years! We are not having anymore babies so this was it, our LAST baby. I always said I never wanted to be "that mom" you know the one, that "babies" their "baby". I am trying very hard to keep my word, but it is proving difficult on some things. All the other kids lost their pacifiers by 18 months, she still has hers for naps and bed. On the NOT, babying my baby part of things, we are doing well at making sure she helps clean up, that she gets time out when needed, and that her temper tantrums are ignored (just like the rest of them). Now to try and teach the older kids not to "baby" their baby sister. 

I always wondered why my baby sisters always got to do everything that I was never allowed to do at the same age, and I think I figured it out! When you are from a large family the parents just get too tired, worn down and lazy by the time the "baby" of the family is old enough and starts asking to do things. Sometimes it is easier to just say yes, than it is to explain and fight.

Dear Lindy,
If I ever seem really hard on you. Or you think that I am sooo mean. If you ever feel like I just want to ruin your life, or that I have it out for you. Remember this, I am sorry, because I was probably over compensating to make sure I didn't become "that mom" that "babies her baby". If I somehow become "that mom" I am sorry, because I have probably ruined you for life(not intentionally) by making you whiny and needy and self centered. Either way I love you.

                                           Love, Mom

Sisters oldest to youngest with baby Millie.

Tio Colt with baby Millie.

Lindy holding baby Millie.

Savanah, Millie and Tia Gen.

Millie Louise on her blessing day.

Birthday princess Lindy Loo!