Ugh! I think I am allergic to Austin!
But first on our way here from Houston we stopped at the Blue Bell Creamery. It is our favorite ice cream. We went on the tour and really enjoyed watching how the ice cream gets made. Our very favorite part had to be the ice cream samples at the end. It was so delicious! Just to let you know Lemon Bliss is my all time favorite flavor!
We have now been in Austin for about one week. I have been so miserable. Austin hates me or I hate Austin that has yet to be decided. My allergies have been so bad I can hardly function. My eyes are so red and swollen it hurts to open them and when they are open they are so itchy and watery. My nose is either runny or stuffy and that changes daily. Not to mention trying to sneeze, after having 5 kids (moms you know what I mean, lol). I can barely focus long enough during the day to get through school time with the kids. Did I mention I am and have been on prescription strength allergy medicine for months. Today was the first day I didn't feel absolutely awful.
I think my feel good day was a blessing so that we could make it to church. Oh how I love our church. I know I say this a lot but I love how no matter where we are, we can walk into any chapel and immediately feel welcome, loved and like we belong.
We got a couple of compliments today that only fellow members of the church might get.
"You guys have such a beautiful family. You guys should be on the cover of an Ensign magazine."
This made me smile and then laugh. I responded with a thank you, you are so kind and you wouldn't have wanted to see us this morning rushing to get here on time. In my head I thought I wonder if she noticed my baby had no shoes, my 6 year old had no tie, and my 4 year old had messed up her hair in the car. I am sure she did but she took the time to say such kind words and what a way to make a family feel welcomed in a new ward.
As I was talking to some sisters before Relief Society about what brought us here for such a short time and about our travels I received another complement or what seemed like one that I felt I really didn't deserve.
"You are like Sariah, or Mother Eve. On a journey to follow your faithful husband into the world."
I admire both of these women very much but feel I fall short in following in their foot steps.
I do feel as if I am on my own journey that I have so much to learn from all of my experiences. I hope that one day that I may even be able to help someone learn from my journey in this life.
In Sunday school we talked about the importance of family history and about not just know the names of our ancestors but of knowing their stories, about their lives, knowing them as people.This is my way of keeping a record for my future posterity in hopes that one day they will know not only my name but who I am.
Until next time. I love you C,M,B,C,E,and L
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Blue Bell Ice Cream! |
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My allergy face. |
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Lehi and Sariah and their family on their journey to the promised land. Learn more here |
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Adam and Eve teaching their children. Read more here |