First the Lion Country Safari. It was SOOOO cool!!! We asked around to see if it was really worth the hour and a half drive to get there, and it was! So you know how when you go to the zoo and all the animals are in cages....well here we are the ones in a cage (the car)! When you pull up, you pay and you are then handed a cd tour. You then proceed to the gates. It kind of reminded us of the scene in Jurassic Park where they drive up to the the big wooden gates. As we drove through the safari listening to all the facts and information on the cd we got to see really cool animals up close. So close I thought they would either ram our car or we would run them over! We all loved that experience and it is for sure something we will never forget. Maybe one day we can go on a real safari in Africa!

On our way back from the Safari, we stopped by the Ft. Lauderdale LDS temple, that is still under construction. It was already a beautiful landmark for the city. It was announced in church here one Sunday that is should be open by the April General conference! The Saints in South Florida are beyond excited! Right now they travel over 3 hours by bus to the Orlando Temple. I hope one day we get the chance to come back and see it finished!
Finally we made it to the Everglades! Since we have been on our adventure of traveling, the kids have become fans of a show on Animal Planet (we didn't have cable in Colorado) called Gator Boys. We learned that they were working out of park just 30 min away from where we are staying! We went to Everglades Holiday Park, and took an Air Boat ride! It was so fun. We had a grate captain named Don. We got to see alligators and birds and learned a lot about the plants and animals in the everglades. Great homeschool lesson! After the air boat ride we got to see the GATOR BOYS alligator wrestling show!!! The kids immediately recognized the guy that was doing the show, from the Gator Boys tv show! They were a little star stuck, lol! I can honestly say that, I am happy that the kids think these guys are cool and people they want to be like, rather than the traditional "celebrities"(like pop stars and actors). The guy doing the wrestling show shared with us that he has a bachelors degree in marine biology, and he VOLUNTEERS at the alligator rescue because he loves the animals! Way to go, to all The Gator Boys!!