It was such a breeze that Colt nor I could remember what we did. I had to upload and look through all the pictures to refresh my memory. Now that I am all caught up I can tell you we had a wonderful week! Full of exploration, new friends, art, knowledge and entertainment!
The river by far is still our favorite place to play and explore. The kids just love to watch the water flow. While we were there CJ found a rock that he just loved! He thought it looked like a chicken leg. He got a little worried when he set it down to pick up another rock and then he couldn't find it because it "blended in". It was right behind him, but I could totally see how it could be over looked. He also picked up a rock that he exclaimed was "The most beautiful rock I have ever seen!" We found a lot of other cool shaped rocks that we snapped pictures of.
(note to kids: Look for and find the beauty in this earth that God has created.)
chicken leg |
heart |
"the most beautiful" |
We are making Boise "home" even if it is only for a couple quick months. We are also so thankful when those around us help to make us feel like we will be here forever! Making new friends is always the best part of going to new places. We had a blast at a BBQ with a couple of families from church. (
note to kids: Always try your very hardest and go out of your way to make new people feel welcome and loved. It will mean more to them than you may ever realize. Oh and when it is you that is new go out of your way to meet new people and always look for the good in everyone.) We have already baby sat and plan on helping with their home improvements. New friends are great, I love getting to know new people.

Here in downtown Boise they have this ongoing event called "First Thursday" and like the name, many things in downtown are FREE on the first Thursday of the month! We made it to the Boise Art museum. It was also where Malayan was meeting for activity day girls. She went off with her group to learn and discuss talents, while the rest of us went on to see all the beautiful art. They had a section for kids to make their own masks like the ones we saw in the museum. I think Colt enjoyed the mask making the most! We ran in to Malayna and her group there with all there masks. It was a wonderful evening.
(note to kids: Find an art form you love to do and do it. It doesn't matter if it is art, or music or dance, try them all at least one will bring you happiness.)

Oh the things we can learn. Personally my favorite subject in school was history and coming in second was government. So I had so much fun at the state Capitol building. The craftsmanship of that place was amazing! Seeing all the different gifts that were given to Idaho from our country and even from other countries was interesting. Reading the little plaques with all the history of the building and of Idaho and of the people who settled this state was so cool.
(note to kids: Learn all you can about the past, history will repeat itself and if you don't know what happened, you wont know what can happen.)
We also spent one morning at a building work shop. The kids got to build bird feeders. They had so much fun. They were all saying, "Dad, help me next. Dad, what do I do now?"
(note to kids: Your Dad loves you all so much, he will always be there to help you and give you instructions on what to do next. The same goes for your Father in Heaven.)
I love the movies! If you know me than you know that I love going to the movies for the whole "movie experience" popcorn, drinks, nachos and all! Our kids have all seen and love Jurassic park and when we found out it was going to be released again in 3D we couldn't wait to take them. We went to a downtown theater for the first showing and we pretty much had the place to ourselves. We bought tickets and ordered a ton of food then found some seats. The staff must have been really board because they brought us our food to our seats. It was so fun.
(note to kids: have fun and do something crazy once in a while, like taking 5 kids to
I am so glad that we get to be on this adventure and share it with you who want to read it and save it for the ones whom I want to remember it. Until next time. I love you Colt, Malayan, Bobby CJ, Eva and Lindy.